What Will Your Excuse Be???

Have you ever sat down and thought what your explanation will be when it's heard , will your explanation be a principle or a key? Don't you know the explanation of failure will never add...


In the inside of you, there lies a dream always longing to come true. Within your heart there is this dazzling image of God for you to have a beautiful life. This longing dream...

Where you are born is not a limitation

“Where you were born doesn’t matter but where you are going” Yes Henry Ford was born in Greenfield Township, Michigan, in 1863, on the farm, left the farm at the age of sixteen, and got...

Five Principles That Should Guild You

Everything in life works on certain principles. Find out what those principles are.

Only you decides when it is over

Towards the ending of a particular year, people set goals in which they desire to achieve in the new year. Fortunately, some set like ten goals for the new year and get them right before...
notable African women

7 notable African Women Breaking the Barrier of Gender Inequality

Womanhood is a peculiar race faced with insurmountable challenges but the challenges don't define us. Read about women who have survived those Gender based challenges and be inspired.

Why giving up is the least unconsiderable option?

It is no news that in life there would always be another option. There are always alternatives to whatever you choose to do whether it be business, relationships, employment or what have you. However, the...

Identity crisis: a menace to be dealt with

Identity crisis simply means, the inability to rightly define you. You are whom you call yourself; ignorance of this reality, makes you live below your potential. You find yourself a slave to identity crisis when...

Do you know, Opportunities are everywhere…

It is obvious that opportunities are in almost everything we do it is only left to us to harness those opportunities as they come. The question is what exactly is an opportunity?? The answer is...

Always long for more!!!

Life is all about striving for more than you have at the present moment. You can have more than you have achieved only if you begin to see the essence to long for more.