“Where you were born doesn’t matter but where you are going”

Yes Henry Ford was born in Greenfield Township, Michigan, in 1863, on the farm, left the farm at the age of sixteen, and got a job as a mechanic In fact, it wasn’t until 1891, when Ford was 28 years old, that he decided to become an engineer, working for the Edison Illuminating Company and earning a promotion in 1893 at the age of 30, he worked his way up to become the chief engineer.

It was around this time when he started experimenting with gasoline engines. However, it wasn’t until 1898, when Ford was 35-years old, when he designed and built a self- propelled vehicle that he showed off to people, winning the backing of William H. Murphy, who, at the time, was a lumber baron in Detroit.

Subsequently, Ford founded the Detroit Automobile Company a year later in 1899. This man knew what hard work and achievement is all about.

In the rules of life, where you were born doesn’t matter but where you’re going to. You need not allow society, friends and other folks push you down to the floor.

On the other hand hardship, pains and sufferings should not cast a spell of failure on you.

You shouldn’t always have an excuse behind you as a reason not to succeed in life. Everyone here on planet earth has a hundred percent chance to get it right. Your poor background, your place of birth, your parents or country home should not be an excuse.

God always have you in mind.
This is what happened to Jesus. Of all the nice places on earth, Mary and Joseph could only find a place where animals were kept. It was in this smelling and untidy place that Jesus was born and kept in a manger. This truth is. The untidy and unpleasant place didn’t keep Jesus from his exquisite and beautiful dream. Jesus lived to fulfil his destiny on earth.

Where do you think you’re going? What dream do you think you want to fulfil in this world? Don’t let your birth place stop your blissful place. God is taking you to a place of higher similitude. He wants to shock you with his goodness and favour. He wants to get you out of the manger to your Majesty.

In the old testament there was a boy called Jabez the bible says his mum gave birth to him into sorrow, grieve and poverty. All of his siblings and past generations were okay with that. They took it as normal. They were all cremated with the hardship of life. But you know what? It took just one man Jabez to end it all. Asked God to bless him. He demanded for a change. You might be born into a mess, you might say why did was I born into such a dirty and poor family? Why wasn’t I privilege to be born in the palace? God knows all your WHYS. But just like Jabez you can give it a climax. You can bleach into the light of hope and see your dreams coming to pass.

Everyone might not be born with a silver spoon but every one can surely eat with a silver spoon.

It up to you rise up and bring God’s word to come to pass in your life and family.
Just like Henry Ford work your way, up to the top. Leave that farm, it’s a place of limitations. Just like Jesus go out of your manger, it’s a place of humble beginnings but not a place of glory. Just like Jabez ask God to change things automatically in your home and family. You were born into sorrow and hardship die happy and fulfilled.

Once again where you were born doesn’t matter but where you are going. You can make it beyond the farm of life.

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